People share their easy and effective tips to protect their kitchen splashbacks from food and grease | Daily Mail Online

2022-07-30 07:16:17 By : Mr. Yong Wu

By Louise Allingham For Daily Mail Australia

Published: 12:15 EDT, 6 July 2022 | Updated: 18:56 EDT, 6 July 2022

Aussie mums are sharing their simple yet genius hacks for protecting tiled kitchen splashbacks from sauce splatter and grease. 

Posting to a popular Facebook group, a Queensland home cook shared how she tapes a sheet of baking paper or foil to her splashback to keep it clean. 

'I have never had white tiles so close to the stovetop. The splash factor is driving me crazy,' she wrote in the post. 

A Queensland mum shared how she protects her kitchen splashback from food and oil splatter when cooking by taping backing paper to her tiles in a post to Facebook

'This is my hack for cooking and not getting splashback tiles and grout dirty. Baking paper or foil taped to tiles.' 

The post was met with a string of comments as more home hackers shared their tricks to keeping splashbacks looking like new. 

One woman recommended a splatter guard like the one she had just bought for just $4.99 and another agreed calling the kitchen buy the 'best invention'.

A third said she had been using a foil screen from Amazon to protect her marble fish-scale tiles. 

The post prompted other to share how they keep clean while cooking with one suggesting a splash guard

Another said she had been using a foil screen from Amazon to protect her marble fish-scale tiles

'I use a baking tray. Stand upright against the tiles. Easy to clan, food good for the environment,' a member commented. 

'Get a piece of ply wood from Bunnings and tape some foil around it. Every time you have to fry just put the board behind the cooker. This way you save using too much parchment paper,' suggested a second. 

A third wrote: 'Our tiles are 14+ years old and look as good as the day they were put in. I just wipe them over with lavender spray and wipe or Windex surface spray. 

'Once a fortnight I give the tiles one good wash using a bar of Velvet Pure soap from the laundry section. Wipe with a clean cloth and clean water. Comes up super duper. It is the best degreaser,' they continued. 

Another said to keep the lids on as much as possible while cooking and a third added they place foil over their pots to save them cleaning oil off the stovetop. 

One woman said she uses cling wrap which sticks to the tiles easily however someone warned it could melt if it's too close to an element. 

'Enduroshield tiles and grout treatment! Look for your local certified applicator, you won't regret it. Don't do the DIY kits though,' another replied. 

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